We work hard to ensure that Bearbrook Combined School and Pre-school is a vibrant, exciting learning community, where children enjoy their education and make accelerated progress in a stimulating environment. We are committed to developing the whole child through their creativity and diversity. Our aim is for children to grow into confident, happy, independent, lifelong learners who can function as successful members of the community. In order to achieve this, we have high expectations with regard to attitudes to learning and behaviour, so that the children are ready for learning, are respectful and as a result are able to keep themselves and others safe.
One of the essential ingredients is a very close partnership between home and school. With your help and co-operation, we can create opportunities for your child to make the best possible progress, thus ensuring that your child’s years at Bearbrook are happy and rewarding.
Not only do we want to build close partnerships with our families but also with other local schools. As a result, we have become an academy and joined the Great Learners Trust.
The Great Learners Trust operates with a strong vision of providing all children with outstanding learning opportunities and ensuring the best education for all children regardless of their starting points, level of disadvantage or family background. They believe that every child can be a great learner and have a strong set of values that are very similar to those at Bearbrook. They will not dictate how we work or organise ourselves, but they will provide high quality support and recognise our strengths. They value their staff and will be mindful of work life balance. They are also local, which is an advantage.
Marcus Faulkner