Curriculum Intent
We aim to nurture and empower all to achieve and flourish on their journey to outstanding. Our curriculum develops our children's independence, curiosity, understanding and appreciation of themselves and others. It gives them the skills to be the best person they can be and an understanding of their significance and impact on the world around them.
We believe that our children deserve inspirational learning opportunities. Curriculum planning ensures that children are immersed in exciting projects with authentic outcomes. They are challenged to work creatively whilst deepening their knowledge and understanding through highly engaging and enriching experiences.
In order to achieve this, our curriculum is thought provoking, child led, purposeful and adaptable. This ensures that the needs of individuals, small groups of children and the whole class are met within a high quality learning environment.
Through our curriculum we aim for all of our children to become:
Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
Confident individuals who are empowered to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
Responsible and respectful citizens who have integrity and make a positive contribution to society.
Our curriculum reflects the values in our society that promote personal development, equality of opportunity, economic wellbeing, a healthy and just democracy and a sustainable future.