We work with Bucks MIND to recruit and train Peer Mentors from our Year 6 cohort. The skills required for this role are patience, being non- judgemental and having excellent ‘active’ listening skills. These are skills for life.
Peer Mentors are out on the playground every lunchtime to support any pupil who may need help. We understand that playtimes can be a source of anxiety for some of our children, and at Bearbrook, we strive to provide a supportive environment so that no child feels vulnerable or alone. In turn, our Peer Mentors are supported through regular contact with each other and designated staff.
We work closely with the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and have an allocated Educational Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP). Our EMHP will work with groups of children, teachers and classes on topics such as PHSE, emotional regulation and wellbeing, as well as offer talks on safe behaviours such as e-safety and chat groups. The MHST will also work with parents of children with low to moderate anxiety or low mood. If you feel you would like to access this support, please speak to Sue Roberts at school.
Whilst all staff at Bearbrook promote and offer pastoral support to children in many ways, we realise that sometimes, more help may be needed. The pastoral team supporting children and families across the school consists of Sue Roberts - Mental Health Lead and Counsellor, and Fiona Cook – Family Support Worker. We also support trainee counsellors (children and young people) who are in the latter stages of their professional training, and they in turn support children in need of counselling support. In the main, counselling is provided by Sue Roberts, a registered BACP counsellor. A counselling leaflet is attached to this page for your information.
If you are worried about your child’s emotional health, or you would just like to have a chat with someone about things that might be going on for you/your child/your family, please talk to us. We are here to help.
Fiona Cook also takes the lead on attendance. We recognise there may be many factors that impact a child attending school, and we really do prefer the non-punitive approach to attendance. If your child’s attendance is a cause for concern, please communicate your worries to us and we will try to help.
Sue Roberts is also part of the safeguarding team at Bearbrook School.
Aside from SEN needs, our SEND children have emotional and mental health too. Our SENDCo team consists of Mrs Geddert and Mrs Spacagna who you may wish to talk to in the first instance if you are worried about SEND and emotional/mental health. Within the SEND team are 2 x SEMH support assistants (SEMH: social, emotional and mental health) [click here for SEN]. The most important thing is that you are able to, and feel comfortable with asking any one of us for help if you need it.
We aim to be a ‘team around a child’ and/or ‘a team around a family’. On this page you will find a support services directory. This covers many local services, links to national services and other sources of advice and support available for families. It covers health and wellbeing, family and finances. Please do take a look. If you feel it is missing a service that you have found helpful, please let us know and we will add it in, so that others may benefit.
We work with Early Help services such as Family Support Service, School Nursing Team, CAMHS, Young Carers, Women’s Aid to name a few, who offer interventions to help and support our young people and their families.
We are a community school and we are here to support our community.