PTA - Friends at Bearbrook
Contact us via email at:
Hello, welcome to Friends at Bearbrook. We are the school's Parents, Teacher Association. We organise fun and exciting events for the children and their parents and carers to raise much needed funds for the school.
This is the forth year of our current PTA here at Bearbrook, and each year we have increased the amount that we have raised for events and we are slowly adding more events each year to the school calender. The children's favourite school disco, the Christmas Fayre and the Summer Fete but with cake sales, Bingo and other fund raising events, the children have a fun time raising money to help support their education. If you have any ideas or spare time to help in any way please speak to one of us or email us at We could not have these events without the help and support from parents and carers, thank you so much.
We are liaising with the children and school staff to identify what the school would like to buy with the funds raised. We would welcome any ideas or suggestions from parents and carers as to what you would like Friends at Bearbrook to provide. With the funds we have raised to date we have managed to provide a digital camera for every classroom, picnic and tennis tables, netball hoops and a selection of wet play items as well as stopwatches and our proudest achievement, thirty laptops. We endeavour to continue to providing items like these to benefit the education of our children.
We also have a Facebook book page and you can 'Like' our page for updates and forthcoming events.