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Bearbrook Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Meet the Bearbrook Governors

Drew Cowburn

I am in my third year as a governor at Bearbrook and I have been co-chair of governors since September 2023. My son attended Bearbrook from pre-school all the way through to year 6 and although he has now moved on from the school I am very pleased to still be part of the Bearbrook community. I have worked in music and performing arts education for 24 years, during which time I have taught every age group from reception to sixth form. I currently work as a specialist music teacher, which includes teaching music to reception and years 1, 5 and 6 in the school, as well as teaching in 6 other local primary and secondary schools.

Siew-Yen Tew

Co-Chair Governor

I have been a governor at Bearbrook since 2018 when my son was in KS1 and have helped support and challenge through the joining of the Great Learners Trust and both of the Covid lockdowns. As my son starts his journey at secondary school, I have always been assured that the staff want to grow our children into well rounded human beings.

My background is commercial but with a recent move to working within secondary education, I feel I bring good analytical skills and now an increasing understanding of the education sector. I am also a Jazzercise instructor and see the benefits of physical exercise for mental health and wellbeing.


I am so proud of our reputation for great pastoral support and look forward to our continued journey in improving outcomes for all our pupils.

Marcus Faulkner


I am very proud to say that I have been the headteacher at Bearbrook Combined School for over 15 years and I thoroughly enjoy the role. I believe Governors within Bearbrook play a vital role in driving up standards for our children and ensuring that every child, every parent and member of staff to be empowered to achieve and flourish on their journey to outstanding.


I am very proud to be a part of the school, as I am sure you will be. Therefore, on behalf of the staff and governors, I would like to welcome your child to Bearbrook Pre-school and School.

Julie Atkins

Community Governor

I am a new school governor living in Aylesbury.  I work in Higher Education and have trained ELT teachers in Turkey, Asia and the Middle East.  I have worked on educational resources used in schools around the world and continue to travel as much as my job requires - mainly the Middle East, the US and China at this time.  My interest in primary education sits with ensuring equal opportunities for students for whom English is not their primary language.  I am also a Mental Health first aider and a qualified counsellor.


Ian Beard

Parent Governor

I have lived on the estate which Bearbrook is a part of for 16 years and seen the development of the school from a distance. I am a father to two daughters. My eldest has just moved on from Bearbrook and starts her journey in year 8 of secondary and my youngest is starting her journey in year 3 of the school. I am also the Chairman of Prependal Farm Street Association since 2023 with bringing new things to the estate and hopefully support the school from a community perspective.


I have always had an interest in wanting to put something back into the school and I am excited to work with the team at Bearbrook Combined School. I passionately believe that all children should have the opportunity to enjoy and thrive in an environment that will enable them to achieve their full potential. As a Parent Governor, I hope to support the School in providing our children with the very best all round educational experience

Gary Carthew

Kevin Hardern

Community Governor 

I have been involved with schools for over 30 years, starting with setting up the PTA at Turnfurlong Infants school when we moved here in 1987 and then Chairman of that followed by Chairman of Turnfurlong Juniors PTA for four years. I was elected as a Parent Governor of Aylesbury Grammar school over 20 years ago and since then have been Chairman for eight years and am now a Co-opted Governor responsible for SEND. I now have grand children at primary schools in Aylesbury where I attend events whenever possible.


I am a Board Member of Young Enterprise in Aylesbury Vale and am active in the community as Senior Property Steward at Aylesbury Methodist Church and Centre, responsible for the premises and volunteers who are based there.


My main drive in education is to ensure that each child achieves their potential, both in school work and socially so that they end up as a responsible adult who contributes to society.

Abi Parry

Parent Governor

As a busy mum with a son in Year 5 of the school, I'm involved with  leading the local scouting Squirrels Drey and the Aylesbury Library Weekly Chatterbooks Group. I spend very little time relaxing . As a primary school, teacher with 27 years experience in Buckinghamshire schools I have recently taken Medical Retirement and begun a life away from the classroom which involves Renovation, Repurposing and Recycling items which was a hobby of mine for many years!


On the odd occasions now I get called in to run the incredibly popular Bounce & Rhyme sessions for 0-4 year olds in the morning, which keeps me remembering those super nursery rhymes as well as keeps me active cycling back and forth to the library in town several times a week.


Being voted onto the governing board just before retirement, has ensured I wont be relaxing any time soon and to add in more stings to my bow, I am part way through the TENANCY TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism 2023 which I am studying with New College Swindon.


Sarita Pullen

Staff Governor

I am an experienced governor having served on the governing body for over 12 years and I currently hold the position of Staff Governor. I enjoy serving on the governing body because it gives me a more holistic view of the school and opportunity to make a difference to the education of the pupils within it.


I have also fulfilled many roles within the school; a parent of children, teaching assistant, and class teacher and I have enjoyed being part of a vibrant and exciting school. Bearbrook, for me, feels like coming home; the people and pupils are warm, kind and welcoming.

Katie Smith 

Staff Governor

I have worked in education for a long time taking on making different roles including being a teaching assistant, a teacher, an assistant headteacher, and a headteacher of a nursery school. I currently work at Bearbrook School, and have done so for over 20 years. I am one of the Reception teachers within the school. I have seen many changes during my time at the school and am fully invested in the school and helping to drive forward improvement. I have held the position of staff governor for a year and decided to do so to become more involved in the strategic decision making of the school. I want to be involved in ensuring that all children have the best start to their lives and reach their full potential whilst at Bearbrook.


I have also been a governor at another primary school in Bucks for over 10 years. I am currently the chair of governors at this school and look after a team of 7 governors. I feel I have lots of experience in education so am able to make a positive impact at Bearbrook School.

Lesley Yates

I am a new school community governor living in the local area.  I have recently retired from teaching, but feel that I can support your school in a subject that I still feel passionately about - education.  I can offer, in the role of governor , energy , enthusiasm and a strong commitment to making sure there are high aspirations for the all the children of the school and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for all the pupils.  

