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Bearbrook Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust




  • We will implement and regularly review the SEND policy, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly. The Bucks ‘Ordinarily Available Provision’ document is continuously used by all staff as a way of assessing what has been put in place as a standard benchmark.
  • Our Pre School lead and staff will identify children in EYFS who may have additional needs as early as possible and the SENDCo will facilitate a plan to ensure the appropriate level of support is planned for.  ‘Early Support’ meetings ensure that parents and staff have those conversations as early as possible.
  • The school SEND register is kept up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary needs, diagnoses etc.
  • The SENDCos will initiate and complete relevant paperwork for referrals and advice clinics to other services or applications for funding e.g. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Higher Needs Block Funding, Inclusion funding, Speech and Language Therapy referrals, Specialist Teacher support and other health referrals etc.
  • We will co-ordinate support for children with special educational needs both at home and in school to ensure a holistic approach through regular meetings with parents to capture their views as well as those of the child
  • The SENDCos will liaise with external agencies and help the staff to implement their strategies and advice
  • As a supportive and diligent school we will support teaching assistants (when appropriate) with training and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND
  • The SENDCos will attend courses to keep up to date with current issues, attend regular CPD, research key SEND areas and disseminate relevant information to staff
  • We will ensure that staff CPD needs are kept up to date by contributing to in-service training
  • The SENDCos will report to governors on the progress of SEND children and the current strengths and areas in need of developing
  • A flexible approach to the curriculum is taken for pupils with SEND who may needs a more hands on experiential approach to learning
  • Regular learning walks and book looks will take place to ensure that SEND children are well supported and making progress across the curriculum as well as termly Pupil Progress meetings run by senior leaders with class teachers
  • We will strive to ensure that children are fully prepared for the next phase of their learning and that they develop appropriate life skills to help them live with growing independence
  • That children will be prepared mentally and socially for the challenges that the future may bring