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Bearbrook Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Behaviour In School

Our Mission:

Our school empowers all to achieve and flourish on their journey to outstanding.


Our Vision:

At Bearbrook, we welcome you with open arms where an exciting adventure awaits. We are part of your journey and will help to open your mind to endless opportunities. As we take our steps together, we stand beside you and offer you a guiding hand.  Sometimes you hold on tight, sometimes you will let go but our hand is always there.




Bearbrook’s behaviour values are:


‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’.



Our key purpose is to ensure the safety and success of all our pupils. In order to teach personal discipline and responsibility, we have in place a range of interventions to support children, develop positive relationships and promote personal self-discipline. Children and adults are responsible and accountable for their own behaviour. Pupils’ positive attitudes to learning and conduct in lessons and around the school positively impact on achievement. High expectations of staff and pupils make a positive contribution. Regardless of the starting point of individual children high standards of behaviour will be expected and promoted consistently by all adults and at all times. At Bearbrook we know that restorative practice for more challenging behaviour works. We also recognise that minor issues can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently by refocusing children on their learning.


Positive behaviour is developed through strong, caring relationships between teachers, children and parents.  Our aim is for children to develop self-discipline through example, discussion, restorative justice, and learning to live with others.


We aim to:

  • Encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school
  • Establish good behaviour to enhance and accelerate children’s learning
  • Acknowledge and value achievements at all levels
  • Provide a consistent approach to behaviour management

