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Bearbrook Combined School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Create (Summer Term)

If you have any questions regarding our Art, Design Technology, Drama and Music curriculum please speak to Fiona Mitchell on 01296 488331 or email


During the course of the year the creative curriculum at Bearbrook intertwines throughout class projects and the children’s learning is developed during Discover, Explore and finalises in Create.   


Our intention is to provide the children with good quality art experiences that they value and which are not only a part of their education but also as a support to their well-being and connection to others. Children will take part in activities that promote learning to benefit the whole child and to provide a creative curriculum which will enable each child to reach their full potential in the arts. 


The purpose of which is for the children to have a broad experience of the arts giving them skills, ideas and knowledge necessary for them to express themselves and respond creatively to the world they which they live.
