The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
- Be taught to sing, create and compose music
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.
The spiral curriculum that has been devised for the pupils at our school is set into six half-termly modules over an academic year through the use of XYZ PRIMARY. This is designed to adhere to the government recommended model music curriculum which explores singing, listening, composing and performing.
Children are taught in groups of up to 30 so that the teaching can be consistent, focused and differentiated through extension and simplification activities, and by outcome. Children Key Stage One and Key Stage Two have weekly sessions learning a repertoire of songs, listening to a variety of musical styles, and exploring sound by experimenting with a range of musical instruments.
Children are taught to play a range of access instruments such as ukulele, recorder, xylophone, djembe and keyboard in a tiered system which starts in KS1 and revisits in both lower and upper KS2.
Cross-curricular links with other subjects are encouraged and developed where appropriate. Opportunities for performing with other schools and/or wider audiences are used to enrich pupils’ experiences. For example we have participated in the ECHOES at the Royal Albert Hall. KS2 pupils have access to private instrumental lessons during the school day with Bucks Music Trust
As part of our Summer Term CREATE Curriculum we celebrate and focus on music and the arts across the school. This culminates in school performances and concerts for parents. Key Stage 1 children stage a performance with singing, movement and percussion, and Key Stage 2 children participate in a concert where music plays a significant part. Preschool and Reception also hold Christmas and end of term events for parents to attend.
Musicians are invited into school to inspire pupils. When appropriate, visits to concerts and theatrical events are organised. The Music Coordinator is responsible for organising, monitoring and reviewing the provision of peripatetic teaching and musical clubs.